Who’s Afriad of the Subway?
Photos by Natan Dvir
For online experience please go to the New York Magazine website.

Two weeks after the April 12th subway shooting in Brooklyn we published this issue, which reflects on the events and the broader uneasiness some New Yorkers have felt riding the city’s train system. The story tackles the longstanding complexities of the subway system that were exacerbated by the pandemic.
For photography, we worked with Natan Dvir to create an extension of his photo series Platforms, which documents the cultural landscape of the subway. I worked with Dvir to photograph stations across the boroughs in the week following the shooting, creating a rich tapestry of the city’s vital organ.
For photography, we worked with Natan Dvir to create an extension of his photo series Platforms, which documents the cultural landscape of the subway. I worked with Dvir to photograph stations across the boroughs in the week following the shooting, creating a rich tapestry of the city’s vital organ.